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Nashville, TN

Who We Are

We are a community of health professionals passionate about root cause medicine in
 Nashville, TN.

Local Events

Learn about our regular in-person & virtual events.

About the Host: Tamara Wiper

I believe I was destined for this industry. From an early age, I was attracted to natural healing and remember reading books on herbal medicine. Later, I spent 20+ years as a functional movement therapist helping people resolve their musculoskeletal challenges, feel better, move better and improve their quality of life. Drugs and surgery were the only options they were given by traditional medicine (sound familiar?) but once the body was balanced, movement patterns were normalized and strength and flexibility were restored, their pain resolved and they were able to resume activities they had avoided for years. But there was some underlying issue that prevented them from healing completely. Becoming a certified FDN-P (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner) taught me that chronic inflammation was at the root, created by stress, trauma and years of less-than-optimal lifestyle choices. My obsession with gut dysfunction and passion for educating led me to join Microbiome Labs in 2020 on the mission to pioneer microbiome health. But my purpose is bigger than that - to change healthcare and impact the global health crisis. By collaborating through this local community, we can do it together! Please join me. 


Tamara Wiper

Upcoming Events

Stay in the know on upcoming events—check out our Events Calendar!

Why You Should Join Our Community


Healthcare practitioners and clinicians, you are not alone.

Since 2014, the Functional Forum has been the place where likeminded healthcare professionals have come together to learn, build their communities and enhance patient care and practice management. As a branch of the Functional Forum, our community provides a space for functional integrative healthcare professionals from all disciplines to thrive and catalyze the transformation of medicine.

Clinicians join this community so they can meet likeminded practitioners and:

  • Gain trustworthy referrals
  • Expand their clinical toolboxes with exclusive resources and information
  • Brainstorm with peers on patient cases
  • Gain access to thought leaders in the industry
  • Connect with new patients
  • Learn best practices for running a modern practice

Who can become a member?

This is an inclusive community of health professionals passionate about root-cause care.

  • Conventionally trained practitioners interested in functional integrative medicine
  • Generalists (primary care, family medicine)
  • Integrative Medicine (chiropractors, acupuncturists, physical therapists, dentists)
  • Specialists (psychiatrist, pediatrician, cardiologist, etc.)
  • Food focused practitioners (registered dieticians, nutritionists)
  • Lifestyle medicine, precision medicine and naturopathic medicine practitioners
  • Health coaches
  • Medical stakeholders
  • Digital health entrepreneurs

Join our community

Sponsors of Nashville, TN Functional Forum Community





“Building local communities of integrative practitioners around the world is the most important next step for the reinvention of medicine” 

- James Maskell, Founder of the Functional Forum

Questions? Contact your local host.
